Recently,The reporter learned from the 1xbet review power supply branch,In the first quarter of 2024, the power supply branch and Lu'an Electricity Distribution and Sales Co., Ltd. have completed the agency group's power trading volume 8.2.6 billion kilowatt hours,Accounts for about 25% of the annual electricity consumption plan.64%,Exceeded the expected task target for the stage。Among them,Follow up and supervise the group’s medium and long-term power trading cooperation power plants to pay for electricity 4.7.3 billion kilowatt hours,Accounting for 26% of the annual bilaterally contracted power generation.3%;Completed the consumption of new energy power of 51 million kilowatt hours,The total proportion is about 6% of the electricity consumption in the first quarter.24%,Completed the new energy power consumption task requirements issued by the government。
First quarter of 2024,The power supply branch cleverly takes advantage of the group’s “long-term cooperation with coal”,Success and Jingneng Group Zhangshan Power Generation Co., Ltd.、Jinkong Group Yuwu Thermal Power Co., Ltd.、Jinkong Group Linfen Thermal Power Co., Ltd. signed an annual power bilateral trading contract for 1.8 billion kilowatt hours of 1xbet review。This move not only ensures that the wholesale price of the company’s 1xbet review will drop significantly,It also "sustained" the policy-driven increase in 1xbet review prices caused by the national coal power capacity price policy、“Three superpowers and one concealment” governance、Huge pressure brought about by adjustments in coal production and changes in power supply operation methods,To the greatest extent, the group’s 1xbet review purchase price throughout the year is guaranteed to be stable with a decrease,Dilute corporate costs for the group、Contributed to completing the task of ensuring supply。
(Text Zhang Xiaohui Guo Qiang)
Editor: Li Shichen